Ever hear the saying “Actions speak louder than words?” Well so do pictures! J
When I first saw this picture, the two signs caught my
attention. At first, I thought the
“hype” was all about the first sign, “AMERICAN AVIATION,” which points to the
left. Therefore, the other sign, “LEARN
TO FLY HERE!” meant nothing. I did not
even notice a plane was stuck in the tree until I looked more closely to
identify the rest of the picture. Then,
it clicked! A plane was actually stuck in a tree behind a sign urging people to
learn to fly! [Yes, I had a blonde
moment even though my hair is naturally brown – not the black and blue you see
in class.J] So, the morale of my story is that aviation can even be humorous or ironic at times. Plus, this has
to be the funniest aviation story to date – that is as long as the pilot [and
passengers] did not get hurt! J
Schneider, Harry. "Top 10 Funniest Aviation
Stories." Web log post. Flight Global. Ed.
Andrea Crisp. Reed Business Information, 16 July 2008. Web. 20 Jan. 2014.
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