Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wings #6

1. In your opinion, what was the most significant impact aviation had on our world in the first one hundred years of flight? The most significant impact that aviation had on our world in the first one hundred years would be the introduction of commercial flight. Through commercial flight, businesses became able to ship products much faster. In particular, the postal service became much more efficient due to the increased availability of airplanes and their services. The introduction of commercial flight also created a huge market for airports, airlines and transportation services for civilians in general. There was even the introduction of private jets, for people with a little more money. While all this innovation and change in business was a great thing, what’s important is the impact it had. Because of these services, business people would be able to make trips for work without it taking weeks. Also, cross-country vacations and holiday trips became a reality for many more people. In short, travel was shortened greatly by the availability of aviation and the world became a smaller place in a great way for people all over the world. Much of what has been achieved today is thanks to commercial flight. 2. What do you think the future holds for aviation in the twenty first century? Since so much has already been achieved in aviation over the past one hundred years, it’s difficult to say what will come next. However, I feel that we have a long way to go yet as far as space travel goes. Also, while we have some improvements, it seems that such travel is becoming more available to the public. I’m not suggesting that people will soon be vacationing on mars or even the moon, but minor space travel will probably continue to become more available. For example, there are now planes that are built to go so far up into the atmosphere that they actually are able to surpass the outer layer in order to allow their passengers to experience zero gravity, even if only for a short while. Right now these rides are pretty expensive, and definitely out of reach for the average citizen, but I feel that as time goes on these prices will begin to drop and perhaps other somewhat-space-related transportation will also begin to become more available. I certainly hope so anyway, as I wouldn’t mind seeing space for myself.

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